
Yoga on a paddle board

Description & booking

Experience yoga on the placid waters of Miami Beach or Cambrils. Next to Playa Cristall or Playa del Esquirol, you can experience this new style of yoga. To do this, you only need to know how to swim and some basic notions of paddle surfing to be able to stay on the board.

Although it may seem a bit difficult at first, with patience and practice you will be able to enjoy a new way

to do yoga and to float on the sea.

If you book on our website “”, keep in mind that the information on schedules and rates that appears may vary in some specific cases. The final schedule and price is the one that will appear on the payment platform, shortly before making it. Check before finalizing the purchase. Reservations generate a ticket in QR format that must be shown on your mobile phone or printed on paper before starting the activity. Check that your data (email and mobile) are accurate to receive tickets, GPS coordinates and possible notifications about your reservation.

Additional information

Price (from)
Approximate duration
1h and 1h30.
Minimum capacity
4 people.
Miami Playa and Cambrils
From 10:00h to 17:00h.